Medicare 1st Meeting Preparation
Thank you for scheduling a meeting to discuss your Medicare situation.
In preparation for our meeting, please complete the Action Items below…
#1 - Scope of Appointment (SOA) Form
#2 - Medicare Assessment Form
#3 - 1st Meeting Documents — to reference during our meeting
And then the Reference Items section has links to our educational videos.
#1 - Scope of Appointment (SOA) Form
Medicare requires us to complete a form...detailing which Medicare insurance products you wish to talk about. Unless you know exactly what you want, we recommend selecting all options on the form, so we at least have the ability to discuss everything.
Click the button below to access the SOA form and submit to us electronically. It will take 1 minute to complete.
Complete one form PER PERSON.
Then return to this page ( to review and complete the other action items.
#2 - Medicare Assessment Form
Click the button below to complete the Assessment form. This helps us understand your current situation, medication needs, and insurance preferences. It also allows us to better prepare for our upcoming discussion.
#3 - 1st Meeting Documents
Click the button below to open the PDF document. This is what we will go through during our 1st meeting. Please read through this document ahead of time and jot down any questions you might have.
Either print the document or have it up on your computer screen during our call…so you can follow along.
Educational Videos
Please watch as many of our education video series as possible. Find the videos that are most interesting and relevant to your situation.
You can view our full video series at …OR… Visit our YouTube channel via the button below.