How to Use Your My Social Security Account (when on Medicare)

An online My Social Security account is extremely helpful and an absolute must this day in age, especially when receiving Social Security and/or Medicare benefits. Instead of simply listing all the features of having an account at, we’re going to visually show you how the My Social Security account dashboard looks, depending on whether you’re receiving Medicare only, Medicare and Social Security, or no benefits at all.

Note: Our video to the right goes into more detail on this and the additional features available to you when logged in to your account.

One of the most common things we ask our clients to do is login to their account to pull up their Benefit Verification Letter, which provides proof of Social Security and/or Medicare benefits.

The Benefit Verification Letter is very important, as it confirms your unique Medicare Number and shows your Medicare Part A & Part B start dates.

Let’s look at each scenario:

Scenario 1: Receiving Medicare Only (NOT Social Security)

Here’s a portion of what the dashboard looks like when logged in (see image to the right).

To open your Benefit Verification Letter, click the link that says “Print / Save a letter proving you receive or do not receive Social Security benefits (PDF)”.

The wording is strange, as it only mentions Social Security benefits, but we assure you that your Medicare Number and Part A & Part B start dates will be on this letter (assuming the Medicare coverage has been approved).

Scenario 2: Receiving Both Medicare and Social Security Benefits

Here’s a portion of what the dashboard looks like when logged in (see image below).

To open your Benefit Verification Letter, click the link that says “Your Benefit Verification Letter”.

The letter will summarize your Social Security benefits (gross amount, minus deductions for Medicare premiums and possibly federal tax withholding, and the net amount received each month

Then your Medicare benefits will be summarized…showing your Part A hospital and Part B medical insurance start dates, along with your Medicare Number.

Scenario 3: Receiving No Benefits

Here’s a portion of what the dashboard looks like when logged in (see image to the right).

To open your Benefit Verification Letter, click the link that says “Print / Save a letter proving you do not receive benefits (PDF)”.

When you open your letter, it will simply state that you don’t receive any benefits.

However, if you have an application pending for Social Security and/or Medicare, it will mention this. After it’s processed and approved, then your dashboard view will change to either Scenario 1 (if only Medicare) or Scenario 2 (if Social Security and Medicare).

Reference Links

Neither Medicare Mindset LLC nor its agents are affiliated with the Federal Medicare program